Thank You Keleena!

My experience from the "Activating Your Inner Magic" webinar was very special.   The removal of the time machine was emotionally joyful and physically noted. I definitely experienced resistance for the final release which presented like a laser stab and pulling under my right lowest rib (very similar to a hook). That response was very surprising as I was lying perfectly still on my floor with the sun streaming in perfectly relaxed and the sharp pain came out of nowhere.   The elementals were once again such a joyful experience. I did have physical discomfort on that right side after the webinar was completed and went straight to the woods for a hike where I hugged a few trees and laid flat on the ground and stretched and POOF when I got up, the hook and pain were gone. I'm so very grateful for the many loving gifts shared from Source, Keleena,  the Angels, all the light beings, elementals, Juli for her work, and the sun's amazing streams of color that made this an amazing experience. Much love and gratitude to all.

Inner Magic & Time Machine Webinar ~Kiki

Wow... it was amazing Keleena! I really feel your strength, pureness/integrity and love in all of your work. I feel a huge increased power of you and your channelings the last months (from nov or dec '21 or so). I love it!! It feels so authentic and exactly what the world needs right now. You are a living example how to be so strong in your alignment, say what needs to be said, to be firm and to be loving at the same time. I hugely thank you for stepping in to you full power and showing us the way. I feel like coming home when I listen to you, you touch me so deeply. The webinar was so powerful. It shifted me right away. I felt blockages leave me, which were constricting me all my life (or maybe multiple lives). It was magical. As was your time machine/magic webinar. You take things to a level I can’t experience anywhere else. Thank you for being you and showing the way!! My infinite love, gratitude, and blessings. PS I hope I can meet you in real life again this year at one of your retreats!

Healing Witching Wounds Webinar ~ Marta L.

Wow. I just completed the webinar. My heart sings. I felt so much purification, release, expansion, and love. Thank you for this holy teaching to love everything I see, to recognize the other, even the ugly as me. Deep, deep, deep. I love how creative, powerful, and beautiful Keleena is through her trust and love of Source. I am so grateful to Keleena, Juli, and all the Love beings who assisted Source with this transformation. I’m grateful for the direction of 111 days of meditation and intention, along with directions on how to care for the physical body. I am all that I am. I am free. Love and Gratitude!

Inner Magic & Time Machine Webinar ~Mirasol 

“I feel like my life is so different after being with this gentle and beloved soul. I’m feeling much more connected to the right side of my body and the Divine Source energy as it flows down my back. I am on a whole new timeline! I have found that a session with Keleena is the most cost-effective investment I can make in my growth because it always gets to the core of any issues. Thank you once again, dear sister! You have opened my heart, stilled my mind, and freed me.”

In-Person Session Sedona ~Ankara, Sedona

“It is two days since my in-person Sedona session with Keleena. I feel that I have been given a new lease on life. For the first time, I feel safe to be in my body and safe to both feel and to express these feelings. I am able to be vulnerable and real about what is going on with me, instead of putting on a front. I feel more empowered to see my dreams accomplished because I know the most key component is me being able to be who I am both when I am in front of others and also when I simply am with myself. While perhaps most people have perceived me to be a strong leader and to have my act together prior to this session, it is a relief to know now that I no longer need to pretend I am invincible. I have greater trust in Mother/Father Spirit and know it has my back. I feel confident. It goes with me wherever I go. Having a greater sense of Unification with Source, I now feel emboldened to step forward in some new large endeavors that were on hold, both in the relationship and career areas and to give them my best shot. Thank you Keleena for being there in this quite transformative experience that was totally customized specifically for me! My gratitude goes beyond words, but I have done my best to capture some of my feelings about this total makeover here. Much awe that you were able to help me, as the scars had gone so deep, but now I believe in the miracle of what love can do.”

~Private In-Person Session/Sedona, Elizabeth Bieber


“Thank you so much for the huge activation. I bow before your mastery. My body is still vibrating, wow so power-filled, as well as the other activation webinar I purchased 2 weeks ago from Vimeo. I found you, Keleena, through doing Sandra Walter Crystalline DNA Mastery course, in the interview video. Your light language resonates so deeply. Just wanted to share my gratitude. Blessings, Sister.” Remember Your Roots Webinar

~Annabelle Julien, Sydney Australia

“I am so thankful to have spent this retreat with Keleena, the goddesses, and the attendees! I thank Keleena for her generosity with her gifts and energy! She is so hilarious, too!! This is the most fun I had at a retreat before! Her energy is truly divine, and you can feel the sacredness she emits! I will be attending more of her retreats for sure! Thank you, Keleena!”

~Goddess Retreat Weekend, Alexia S


“Hi Keleena, the webinar was amazing, there was so much in it. I’ve just watched it again & I’ll be watching it & downloading codes for some time. Thanks for your work.” Remember Your Roots Webinar.

~Amanda, Ireland

“This was not a cookie-cutter workshop where one size fits all. Rather, Keleena tailored it to meet the specific needs of each attendee. I attribute the off-the-scale potency of this workshop to bring about life change to the fact that throughout it, Keleena worked with each person individually as she went around the participant circle, letting spirit customize each person’s activations. For example, in my ordination into the order of Melchizedek (an optional choice), Keleena accessed specific info via a particular goddess, which she channeled based on the goddess card I had previously chosen. This info greatly encouraged me to stay on my life path/ follow my dreams via right-on powerful symbology that was unique for me that she could not have had prior knowledge of. Similarly, I received an individualized activation to speak the light language as she went around the circle. Since the workshop I have noticed I can channel double the number of light languages than what I was able to access prior to the workshop and now feel competent with this. What was accomplished in an hour with the light language activations was the equivalent of what had taken a whole weekend with a prior facilitator (whose workshop was good, but just not as powerful)!

There was a profound sense of sisterhood and brotherhood I felt with the others in the gathering that I have never felt elsewhere. I sensed I had come home to the spiritual family I had always wanted but never found before. It brings tears to my eyes as I write this. Keleena’s authenticity and integrity are absolute. Feeling so comfortable being with her is a big factor that made this event greater.

Having attended quite a number of spiritual workshops prior to this, I can attest that what Keleena is charging is a bargain when you look at the outcomes, even though one’s initial impression may be that the price is a little steep. She brings way more energy than the majority of facilitators due to the fact that she channels so many goddesses as she moves from one participant to another, so she definitely deserves to be compensated for this, as well as the unusual degree of change she facilitates at a core level.

It is very special to have an event facilitated at this high of a frequency. Please attend if you are inwardly prompted, as Keleena will meet you where you are at.

If you are ready for change, Keleena is the one to make it happen. Some traveled 14-17 hours one way to attend this event, and I can see why!”

12/12/2020 Sisters & Brothers of the Rose Workshop & Activation Attendee.

~Elizabeth Bieber, USA

“The GODDESS RETREAT was life-changing. I loved every minute of it! The renewed energy helped me to connect on a higher level with my DIVINE I AM PRESENT SELF. Thank you, Keleena!”

~Goddess Retreat Weekend, Felicia Bsoulight, USA


“As I pulled my chair in close to the keyboard, readying myself to write, a thought occurred to me:  This testimonial?  It’s far older than I realized.  I’ve been preparing for this for a few lifetimes.  It was no accident, chance, or happenstance that I found Keleena Malnar.  This was the Divine plan.  

I can tell you Keleena’s sessions are powerful, and she’s calling down all but the thunder to assist her in helping with our growth and our healing.  In addition, she provides us with the tools we need to awaken the healing mechanisms within us all.  I know because I lived it.  I am not the same person.  Keleena changed me – though I suspect she’ll tell me I changed myself when I opened my heart to receive.  I am empowered.  I am stronger.  My sacred heart is filled with Love and Light, and as a result, my path is brightly lit with clear direction.  I know I am a Goddess, and I will always be grateful to Keleena for sharing her many lifetimes of wisdom and dozens of guides with me.  I love this woman!

If you’re on the fence about who to choose for your healing and ascension journey, look no more.  Get off the fence, walk to Keleena’s door, and knock.  When the door opens, you will be flooded with the knowing that what you were seeking all this time…was you.” 

~Tina Herzog, USA


“Looking back on 2020, I would love to send you a message of Gratitude. It was around the end of 2019 I saw your Hypnosis session with Alba Weinmann online and knew I had to meet you. I did not expect the BIG impact this meeting with you in March 2020 in the Netherlands would have. It has been A beautiful journey back Home to and from God. Thank you for your loving guidance, your support, your enthusiasm, your transformative DNA activations, light language transmissions (which Is flowing through me quite well now), and all other forms of healing that were possible with your guidance. I am so grateful and love you very much.
I wish you a wonderful Full Moon today and a celebrative ending to 2020. May the New Year bring you Much Love and Blessings.” With Love,

~Tamara, Netherlands


I had an amazing experience at the Goddess retreat. It was just what I needed. I met some amazing and beautiful women. Keleena was so wonderful and her activations were very powerful. Also on a side note, I loved the Vegan Gluten-Free food/lunch that was provided on the retreat. I loved every part of what we did at the retreat. I am SO grateful to Keleena for hosting this. Thank you so much!  

~Naureen Hashmi, USA

“My beloved Keleena, words cannot express in human form how much love and gratitude I have for you and for the work that you do for humanity. I have been honored to work with you, and you have changed my life immensely. You have brought me to another level of my transformation here on earth that I could not have done on my own. I was guided to your videos, Keleena when you first started on YouTube and have watched everyone along with all your webinars. I have watched you grow as I have grown along with you. Then, in 2019, I was honored to meet you. You have taught me so much, and I will infinitely be grateful for your love…teachings and for making a difference here on earth. I love you so much…words cannot articulate the love!” With light and love infinitely.

~Wendy Palla, TF Event & Private Sessions

“The womb clearing yesterday has been such a transformation already. I feel a complete balance in my hormones, as I was having issues there that I was not able to energetically clear. All the heat I would feel in my womb daily is now gone. I am so grateful for you and all divine beings who allowed me this purification.”

~Shannon Pardini, California


“My session with Keleena was amazing. I knew when I first saw her work on YouTube that this was someone I needed to work with. Upon starting the session, she started to channel bits of information that helped me to see a much bigger picture of how the people in my life had gone through experiences that had, had an impact on their lives that had subsequently impacted mine. This helped me see things in a whole new light. It helped me step out of that box, that sometimes can be so hard to break out of. She always brought it back to help me at that moment.

When the healing process began, she made it very clear how it is to be done. I used to find it quite confusing sometimes to know it is complete. She talked me through the process and then it all seemed so simple. She gave me the confidence to trust myself to know that I had done it.

The light language I always find so fascinating. With the help from the Arcturians, she activated all of my healing past lives to come to play in this present life, which has been helping me when I heal others. I found myself using the breath of fire whilst doing a reiki treatment on a client the next day, and that had fantastic results!

I cannot thank you enough for our session and the guidance you give to all of us.

To anyone reading- Check out Keleena’s Patreon; the guidance and connection are unmissable, I would find it very tough to navigate through my life without that now, and I’m very grateful that she can dedicate her time to help so many. I will be coming back for another session. All my love & gratitude.”

~Felix. H, England

“Dear Keleena, thank you so much for today! I feel like I learned a whole lot while talking to you, but even more energetically. I feel like all my light bodies are filled to the brim with valuable information that I can now start to integrate and work with. Moreover, showing me that you dared to do a one-on-one session, knowing that you might get taken off your feet, was also inspiring. I could tell when you talked about it beforehand already that it is not a pleasant experience for you, and you were willing to take the challenge. You also showed me such deep love and care for each other when your friend came to help you move through it, which also made a lasting impression on me. I saw the divine feminine and masculine embodied and made a ‘mental note.’ I felt very honored that you would transmute and endure this for me or others that come to seek your help. The beautiful thing is actually that it showed me that you do not need to be afraid of such energy if you know what you are doing and are in full allowance. So, the bottom line is I just wanted to thank you for always inspiring me and for showing me what is possible. I love you, and I support you lovingly. Sleep well, and who knows when I will see you. Lots of love!”

~Savine Tellier, Netherlands (In-person Kundalini Healing)


“I greet you with a lot of love from my heart. This Sisters of Rose Event has been the greatest event I have experienced in my entire “career,” and I have already experienced many. Thank you from the heart!”

~Karoline, Germany

“I have had the most profound experience at the Netherland Sisters & Brothers of the Rose workshop with Keleena!  All of my personal self-work had led up to this workshop. I remembered my sisters and brother again (which was so beautiful!!!) my self-work over the years had prepared me for the activations and next level that Keleena held space for. I am ever so grateful and sharing Keleena’s message with my friends. I look forward to meeting again in person!!!!

Also, the activation to speak light language is a bonus and a very powerful self-healing tool. I now use this as a tool in my own energy practice with others and sharing the love. So much gratitude and happiness! I LOVE YOU KELEENA thank you!”

~Rose McNena, Ireland

“I have worked with Keleena for over a year. It began with a 1:1 session via Skype, and then my attendance at the Sedona Sisterhood of the Rose in April 2019, and then Mt. Shasta in August 2019. 

I have been on the spiritual path (in a committed and consistent form) for the better part of thirteen years. In this capacity, I have worked with people of all types, spanning all forms of healing and other modalities. While most served their purpose and brought forth healing of some sort, none have brought forth the deep and profound healing that Keleena is able to do.

I know few-to-no people who have walked away from an event feeling anything but profoundly and permanently changed. Each of the sisters in the April Sisterhood of the Rose (we all keep in touch) advises that she has had extreme life changes since our initiation. In Mt. Shasta, as a combination of the various healing we were doing and a scheduled 1:1 session, I was able to release pain/trauma so profound and intense that it had crippled me emotionally and left me fearful I would not remain on earth to complete my mission. 

If you are considering working with Keleena, I highly recommend it. She will get to the root of your issues and help clear the blockages that are ready to be released so that you can live your highest, most productive, joyful life as you pursue your mission. I find her group events to be even more profound in certain respects, as each person in attendance brings forth a piece of the puzzle. You won’t regret your decision.” 

~Stephanie, Sedona Sisters of the Rose Retreat & Mount Shasta Events, USA


“Meeting with Keleena in person and having an in-person session with her was not something I was expecting to unfold the way it magically did.

Keleena and I discussed what sits underneath my fear, and the clarity with which she helped me see things suddenly made everything simple and crystal. She also activated me to speak light language.

Keleena exudes love and strength, and the force of her light and goddess energy gives hope to the hopeless and courage to the wavering. She is enigmatic and mesmerizing. 

If you have a chance to have a session with Keleena, do not pass this chance up!  There is a reason why this opportunity would be presenting itself in your life, and it will give you more than you could possibly have imagined or hoped for. She will open your heart up in ways that you have been waiting for all of your life. So rise up to its vibration, embrace what is awaiting you, and see what magic unfolds. 

And, if you have a chance to attend any of her workshops or can find a way just to make it happen- please trust the universe, trust yourself- and show up for yourself. It is very much worth the adventure, and I hope I will encounter many more special moments like this again, too.” 

If anyone has any further questions about my experiences of healing with Keleena, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

~Sabrina Kanji, UK (In-person sessions & Sedona Sisters of the Rose Event)


“I’ve known Keleena for over two years now and I’ve attended many of her workshops and had several Skype and in-person sessions over those years, including her Sisters of the Rose workshop. I truly believe her entrance into my life was divinely planned, and she became my friend, my spiritual teacher, my spiritual mother. There were many times when she was the only one I had to share things with, and she was there for me all the way, answering my questions, helping me interpret my visions, dreams, and guiding me through the ascension process. She always pushed me to the limits and made me look within and find my own answers. She taught me how to live from my heart and how to speak my truth. I wouldn’t be where I am without her help and guidance. She also helped me step into who I truly am as a healer, a grid worker, light language, and follow my soul’s calling.

 I also had the privilege of working with Keleena at her latest event in Mount Shasta. It was truly a life-changing experience for me after I had a one-on-one in person session. She made me see all my fears and weaknesses and that I must follow my true soul’s calling. If I didn’t trust and listen, it’s like I wasn’t listening to myself and I cannot allow this. I’ve made some real life-changing decisions after I came back home from this event, things I’ve been putting on hold for a while now due to fears and not knowing what’s coming next. I received the final push and clarity that I needed. 

I am blessed that Keleena was brought into my life again and that I have her guidance and wisdom to continue on my path. I love you very much.”

~Jane Andrianova, Sedona Sisters of the Rose & Mount Shasta Event, USA


“It’s hard to describe in words the deeply personal and magical experience of my initiation into the Sisters of the Rose/Sisters of Light. Months prior to the actual event, I received visions and visitations from aspects of myself adorned in priestess clothing gifting me a sacred heart and showing me the tattoo on my body of a rose was no accident. I have been a member of this ancient sisterhood/ brotherhood for thousands of years. Everything leading into the event had some kind of synchronistic meaning to me. The uncanny similarities I shared with my room sisters in mission goals, energy modalities practiced, and even visions we each experienced was no coincidence. Meeting these women for the first time, felt like coming home to a place you never knew was home. The instant heart resonance I shared with these souls was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Keleena has the powerful ability to know who you are and who you need to connect with to assist in each other’s awakening process. 

The event itself was the most magical and connected experience I’ve ever had. The compassion, love, support, and acceptance that was shown, as we shared our personal stories, laughed, sang, danced, and cried together was the most beautiful and powerful moment I’ve ever witnessed. These bonds I’ve reconnected to will stay with me forever. The relationships that have been cultivated and the collaborative ventures that are being manifested will be felt all over the world. This community of souls is my family. 

If you are being called to attend this life-shifting workshop, even if you have no clue on how you will get there, don’t think just follow your heart as it knows best. The circumstances will be in your favor and will lead you back home.” 

~Sister Jess (Jeshala), Sedona Sisters of the Rose, USA


“Everything in life is divinely timed.  And so it was for my connecting with Keleena at a very significant stage in my spiritual journey. Early 2019, my twin flame’s higher self was guided to provide Keleena’s details to me so that I could learn how to connect more into my sacred heart and bring this into my life and work.  Having watched one of Keleena’s YouTube videos I was instantly drawn to booking some sessions with her as I felt a true connection with her to my purpose. Again, trusting in Divine timings, the sessions happened at key times in my life as well as that of universal shifts.  

Keleena represents pure unconditional love, truth, authenticity and only works with the purest and highest divine guidance.  She is exceptionally gifted in so many ways and has an incredible ability to know what you uniquely require for your own individual spiritual growth.  Keleena is a very powerful light language activator, channeling many messages from different divine sources to activate your own spiritual growth and development.

Over the period of my sessions, Keleena organized a Sisters of the Rose initiation in Holland.  I knew instantly that I had to be there and booked a place before my ego could intervene and worry about the travel, costs, etc!  What an incredibly amazing experience to meet Keleena, but I felt so humbled to watch her work with fellow Sisters and Brothers of Light with such grace and beauty.  I shed tears of pure joy to be present in her energy and love.

I cannot highly recommend Keleena enough. You need to trust your own heart and higher self, and if you feel drawn to working with her or attending her retreats, then I can guarantee you will be gifted with greeting the many treasures that already lie within you but haven’t realized existed until now.”

~Dr. Alexandra Dent, United Kingdom


“Keleena is an amazingly gifted soul, here to assist humanity with the ascension process. I can highly recommend her work, which is very high-frequency and is a pure channel. My own experience of her work was profound, as she was able to immediately see what was required and honed in on helping me to clear and balance. I felt expanded, lighter, and more confident within myself. This was most noticeable to me, even in the reactions of others towards me. And as the days continued after my session with her, my body was integrating until I could feel the wholeness of my being had been upgraded to a new level. You have my deepest gratitude Keleena, for the gifts you bring, for all that you are and all that you do. Thank you!” 

~Maya Boston, Australia


For me, this session has been a miracle. How can I be so blessed as to meet Keleena Malnar when I need spiritual liberation and re-empowerment! From the beginning of the 2-hour Soul Path Alignment session, I saw her greeting my guides. And all along she channeled their information, and she heeded counsel from them for clearings and activations.

The first burning topic I brought to the work was my place and relationship with my family. Keleena immediately revealed a never-before disclosed Truth, which uplifted a great deal of torment and identity crisis from my heart. It was unbelievable!!! And no clairvoyant ever accessed this information in five years. Keleena asked my guides about the massive block that she was feeling in my throat. The self-repression of my voice, my fear of abandonment issue, the fear to express my truth.. all connected, and through her attunements to both Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart, Keleena paved the way for my highest Soul–fueled career achievements!

Keleena was then advised by my guides to proceed to some clearing before the activations with three persons. It was not my first Soul – to – Soul detachment ritual from them, but of such a massive impact, yes, for sure! Massive shifts unfolded, intense energy flows, and joy burst in me. Following the clearing, the impact of Light Activations was powerful. I felt my shrunk Masculine side regain strength and power. So much needed !!!

As if all this was not enough, she introduced me to a Soul–to–Soul clearing ritual with Gaïa-Mother Earth. I realized how my work with my tenth chakra had been incomplete. It has been five years of commitment to resolving my existential and energetic issues now, consulting with different energy healers and clairvoyants. Keleena’s purity of purpose and transformative intent are matchless. She uses every single minute of the session to help you set free and shine your light.

For me, this session has been a miracle. Now I am on my way. In immense gratitude and love.

~Isabelle Rozenwaig, France

“I received a spontaneous womb cleansing from Keleena when I was in Sedona, Arizona in early November 2018. At the time, I was struggling with elusive feelings of disconnect, creativity blocks, and unrecognized fear, especially surrounding the recent publication of my new book – The Giving Stump: an awareness book about covert mental abuse. The “birth” of my new book was triumphant and necessary, yet also scary for me, as it suddenly thrust into the world the truth of my past as a victim, what this has cost me, and my arduous efforts I’ve taken to heal from it. At the time of the blessing, I didn’t connect that these issues were at all related to my womb and root chakra. However, it makes sense; these are the centers of my creativity and life force. As Keleena delivered the cleansing, I felt an awakening in my womb, an aliveness, a remembering of sorts – of my vitality as a woman, along with an absolving of the fear that had been unknowingly blocking me from moving forward in the next steps of my journey. This is nothing I can effectively put into words. During the blessing, it felt as if my life force energy was returned to me, with a presence and awareness that my showing up in the world, unapologetically, in truth and love, was for the highest good of humanity – and not my ego. Words fail me here. However, here are pictures – before my womb blessing and approximately one hour after.  These pictures are both “selfies” I took with my phone – are untouched and were taken one day apart. Thank you, Keleena, for recognizing what my soul needed, and your ability to bring me this profound blessing. I’m forever grateful for your wisdom and light!” (see pic) Love, 

~Laurel Lee, USA

“Keleena is a powerful divine healer. In her presence, you can feel the embodiment of the Divine Mothers. She is a gifted channel connected with beings of the highest light. The activations I received from Keleena at the Sisters of the Rose Initiation brought huge heart openings that have enabled me to deepen my practice of multi-dimensional work as well as propelling me forward to a greater embodiment of my higher self and supporting my ascension process. The initiation was a critical part of the remembering of my priestess path and connecting me with my mission in this life.

Keleena has a sacred connection with Sedona and the energetic vortices of the land. She has undertaken profound healing work for Gaia, the sacred heart, and the feminine there, and those joining Keleena’s Sisters of the Rose workshop in Sedona can expect a profound, life-changing, and powerful experience.”

~Claire Lewis, UK

“Last year, I was drawn to the Sisters of the Rose Initiation and Workshop weekend in Leeds. I’m so happy and grateful for this experience! I have done many spiritual workshops, training, lectures, and so on, but I felt this was the real deal. Keleena is love itself, and this alone makes people bloom. She is gentle yet powerful, and this retreat has opened my path for me in life. Before the retreat, I didn’t know that yet. Right after the retreat, the same night, I already had a dream with a strong message, and I have been having these dreams/visions and messages ever since. Also, my life is evolving in every sense, having very fulfilling work, and working on making the world a better place every day! Having sisters all over the world and seeing changes every day. Thank you so much with all my (light)heart!”

~Charlotte Ligthart, Amsterdam

“The Sisters of the Rose retreat came from the calling in my soul to be a part of something bigger that has been brewing inside of me for quite some time. The retreat gave me the tools and knowledge to regain my power and profess the true feminine teachings of Mary Magdalene. It also provided me with insight to further my spiritual journey. Through the elements of meditation, shamanism, ceremony, and sisterhood, I have been given the knowledge to go out in the world as a divine feminine goddess of the new age.”

~Sabrina Kennedy, France

“I was in Avebury at the Stone Circle in August last year, and I sat on the initiation stone and heard that I needed to get a rose in my name. No idea? Then Keleena magically appeared in the UK at Glastonbury for exactly that. Our lives are full of synchronicities, but still, it is amazing to me the opportunities that appear. I wholly recommend becoming a Sister of the Rose; I have dropped into a softer and stronger feminine power, after years of pushing and forcing, I am listening and receiving. And at Sedona, too, can’t think of anything more magical. I regard my initiation as a wonderful commitment to a feminine path.”

~Gina Louise, Brighton

“How can one describe the indescribable?  Keleena Malnar is something else. Her gifts of healing are such a gift to humanity at this time. Our ascension process can be infused with flexibility and ease through her Sacred Heart Gifts of Love from her transmissions, channeling, Soul Light Language, and messages from our collective consciousness. I’ve experienced many types of metaphysical healing sessions, but nothing left me feeling the process like my private session with her. The gifts within this Earth Angel are the gifts that keep on giving. Days after other modalities of healing sessions, I would notice things slipping back to pain and suffrage. That is not what I’ve felt since my session with her; hers are the type of gifts that keep on giving. There’s a noticeable expansion in me. I am Blessed!”

~Suzette Maurice, USA (In-person session)

“I had my second session with Keleena yesterday and Wow!  I am usually a little nervous before my session, but as soon as Keleena comes on the screen, you feel comfortable, like talking to a friend.  Her presence is very loving. Both readings were absolutely amazing. Yesterday, she gave me confirmation on some things I’d been receiving myself, which I always love. We talked about my Twin Soul, who’s on the other side, and the visits we’ve been making to New Earth. That was pretty interesting, to say the least. Through the guides and angels who have come in and her own wisdom, she gave me good advice and some things to think about. There was also information about something coming for me in the future. She thoroughly covered my questions, and everything she told me totally resonated. Keleena obviously has a beautiful and powerful gift. If you’re thinking of having a healing reading, do it. You’ll be amazed and grateful. Much Love and Blessings!”

~Sue Fitz, USA


“My time with Keleena was an experience of anchoring into safe healing intertwined with clarity & powerful direction. Almost immediately I began to cry as her light language always penetrates my energy field and soul. Her generous heart gave openly &  quickly to hone in on the information/ channeling/codes/healing & activations needed to take me to a port of call where I could calibrate all that came through for me. Keleena uses your time with her to the maximum – her intention is clear and mindful… it is a progressive path to contour your concerns into care- to assist in guiding your being to LOVE.

To bridge the gaps where love should be … within and without.

All her expressions of guidance were energetically synchronized  … validating that What was for my higher good, in that, & any moment, of not-knowing, IS to bring change, relief, and release. More so, the current struggle of division between free will and Divine will was time to join instead. This, for me had held so much internal turbulence, and I can imagine for many who are on this path of ascension. The impact of exchanging with Keleena … the impact of the VICTORY in her own journey is for the everlasting betterment of her clients.

I would be remiss not to mention her calm, caring, spontaneous invite for my 10-year-old goddaughter into our session to clear and assist her. As an advanced soul, she required comfort from an overwhelming moment, and Keleena hearing her upset gave her care and guidance, and that is symbolic of Keleena’s open heart.

At the end of this testimonial – I say I don’t often open up, I knew it was safe & TIME to turn to Keleena and request to receive her authentic Heart-based high frequencies & abilities. I am left peaceful to let go and let in love from Our Creator and unconditionally in the entire spectrum of being alive and who & what I embody here and now – after all, only LOVE in all ways is the TRUTH, And we must be reminded of it over and over again as Keleena did with me – To bring us to our HEART SPACE
to our authentic self.  And inextricable to BE-ing in peace if we yearn to walk a path of service. And I AM grateful. Our session had such an impact upon me and was delivered with such grace. From my soul to yours, Keleena  …Thank you. I’ll never forget your part at this juncture in my life & towards Liberation & light.”

~Exx, United Kingdom

“Dear Keleena… Our session together today was so powerful for me.  I followed by some very intense meditating on gratitude and forgiving through situations in my past, as you suggested.  I used some very powerful meditations to help me and called in so much help.  I think I really am making this shift to opening my heart to love more.  Thank you so much.  And Leonard is with me.  I feel close and I feel I can just talk to him as I remember him,  so gentle and fun and light-filled.  So, thank you again. I will be following you and your transmissions and send great gratitude for this and your sharing.  Much love!”

~Paige, USA

“I attended a workshop for twin flames led by Keleena in November of 2017. I cannot express how much this workshop has changed my life for the better. Her metaphysical work helped clear trapped and blocked energy that was preventing me from making the shift I needed to advance in my healing. Since working with her, I’ve progressed so much more than I ever could imagine. I highly recommend working with Keleena to anyone who feels stuck, working towards inner healing, or just needs help making a shift while on this spiritual journey. She truly is an angel!! Thank you, Keleena!”

 ~Amy, Michigan USA


“Keleena is definitely an Earth Angel. I Waited a long time to book, and OMGoodness Wow!!  Everything in my session was so helpful with many ah-ha moments. I knew my session with Keleena was going to be magical but you can’t have magical without miracles mixed in. So many questions answered and light language and work on me left me in a state of Ananda! Thank you from the whole of my being!! Love & Light Blessings, Namaste”.

~Shelley Jo, Wyoming USA

“I met Keleena in June 2017, attending her twin flame event in Chicago. The first time I heard her speak the Light language, something clicked inside of me. Hearing the light language almost made me cry, but most importantly, it touched my soul as if I could recognize it. I kept in touch with Keleena after the workshop by following all of her videos, articles, and poems. I also did several private sessions with her. I am truly blessed that she is part of my journey, as she is helping me shift like no other. Not only I see the change in myself, but other people see it as well. Working with her really helped me to finally be able to stay in my heart and maintain my high vibration. She also helped me find peace within myself and find balance in my twin flame relationship. For the first time in two years, I was able to let go of my twin and not be codependent on him. I no longer feel pain every time we come into separation; I only feel unconditional love for him, and I trust that we are being guided on this journey and that we are never separated. I don’t think I’ve met anyone else as gifted as Keleena. Her messages and channeling are so accurate and resonate with me 100%. When I feel down, just one message from her always lifts me up as she truly shines her light for others.”

~Jane A., Illinois USA

“From the moment I met Keleena at the Twin Flame Workshop, I intuitively knew that she was the “real deal.” Full of compassion, humility, authenticity, and love, her open heart shone through and called me to her work. I received several energy healing sessions, during which I experienced a powerful and instantaneous alignment of chakras. The results were immediate, profound, and lasting – I experienced an opening to intuition and my own healing powers that have resonated in and through me since. I am so thankful to Spirit for connecting my path with Keleena’s. An instrument of peace and healing, she is truly a gift to humanity and to our planet.”

~Grace Shivers, Arkansas USA

“My session with Keleena has proven to be effective in targeting the root cause of a health situation I have been facing for quite some time. Within a matter of a couple of weeks, I noticed things getting resolved. Keleena was able to tell me things about myself related to my situation, which one could only know with genuine intuition. I believe in science, and my understanding of what science is has expanded after my experience with Keleena. Let me add that I was suffering from physical pain for several years, and within a few weeks after my session with Keleena, the pain became quite minimal. Her recommendations have proven extremely effective in resolving my situation, and I would certainly recommend her services! Thank you, Keleena!”

~SM, Canada

“I am so fortunate to have had a reading and healing session with Keleena.  At first, I assumed the sessions would be us talking about my divine counterpart and questions about my life path.  Boy, was I surprised when immediately Keleena started receiving her light language information on me, and she knew what I needed to stand in my power.  She then started to clear my chakras, and I could actually feel the sensations at almost every point of my chakra clearing. I even cried during the process.  Days after the session I could still feel the powerful aftermath of the healing.

Also, during the session, I was introduced to an ancestor of mine from a previous life where I worked with natural medicine, and Keleena was able to give me information on my roots during that time.  She let me know I would be going through a certain number of days of healing, and once it is over, I will be able to transform into my true self and power.  The session was so packed with information I was not able to write to them all. I recommend Keleena to anyone and everyone.  Her gifts should be experienced at least once in everyone’s lifetime.  I was blown away by the experience and will definitely get a follow-up session with her.”

~Adeline Trinity USA

“First, I wanted to start by expressing my love and heartfelt gratitude to dearest Keleena, whom I truly know to be—without a shadow of a doubt—a Heavenly gift sent from above. We are so very blessed with her presence here now on the planet.  Representing the beautiful Divine Feminine essence of Love.  Keleena brings Heaven to Earth with the sacred work she does to raise the vibrations of Love by helping open up closed hearts, which then shift to unconditional love and light upon the planet.

That having been said, I can recommend her because she is a twin flame who is on this journey with us all who truly understands it from a higher perspective. Yes, I have always said that we need to go within to see for our answers from the Higher Self. But let’s face it; sometimes, we might not be able to truly know how to do that even ourselves yet. And with the most ardent cleansing and purging we have to heal, all of us can come across resistant blocks that we find hard to clear and shift by ourselves. And, in that case, we may need to seek someone who has intuitive gifts to help us along this journey.

I personally have worked with and witnessed the powerful transformation from my experiences with, Keleena.  A tremendous shift within me has resulted from Keleena’s guidance and help. I whole-heartedly cannot imagine there to be anything she cannot do when it comes to peeking into your soul blueprint to find the root cause of what may be stopping you from moving forward and helping you remove all resistant blocks from your path.

She specifically helped me so much by removing a stubborn block of mine in my throat chakra.  Without her help, I never would have probably identified this. Then, she was able to remove this block for me so that I would no longer be struggling away with the issues it presented for me of not being able to speak my truth.

So please know that if you are looking for my best recommendation to assist you along on your Ascension path, then Keleena is that person. If you are fortunate enough to cross paths with this lovely being, you will feel so very blessed and thankful to have her come into your life. I know I do!  Much Love always!  XO”

~Filomena James, Italy


“Hello, Keleena!  It has been almost 2 months since I had a session with you on Feb. 20, 2017.  I have wanted to email you to let you know what happened to me after the session, and more than anything, I wanted to thank you for how much you supported me in the session.

I am so glad that I booked a session with you, as you are a very kind, supportive, and awesome as a person.  And it really was a powerful session for me.

Well, on the same day after the February session, I already had a major outcome, and those few days after the session were very intense and crazy for me…!  I felt like my heart cracked wide open, and I lost control of hiding my certain emotions.  It lasted for around a week.  It was overwhelming and Even embarrassing sometimes…  I cried a lot for those few days. The session definitely led me to a big release.

Your session gave me a big positive shift and the shift was beyond my expectation or prediction.  I guess that it worked on my subconscious level.  After the session, it was an instant shift, and I all of a sudden felt much more detached from my twin emotionally and mentally.  Now, I can try to see this connection from a neutral perspective, and I feel more peaceful and free in that way.

I have been following your YouTube videos, and they are all fantastic and have been helping me a lot!   I feel all of your light languages are working very powerfully for me as well.  Also now, my hearing is clearer than before. Well, thank you so much again for your time.  I am hoping to see you again in session because I definitely need your assistance again in the near future.”

~Love, Anonymous, Canada 

“Hi, Keleena!  It’s been barely a week since we had the healing session but it feels like ages ago! So much has happened since then! Anyway, I feel the electricity in my body and I was also happy that I was able to handle the huge amount of light that was infused into me during the session.

I did the exercise of writing my fears and doing the Ho O Pono Pono. And just that Friday, I was called to attend a Sacred sound jam where they had a bonfire, too and so I burned the papers there.  The surreal thing was we were asked to bring an instrument for the honoring of the diff elements (space, air, water, fire, and earth), and I just remembered I have a drum. I’ve had it since 2005 (bought it in Cambodia) but have been using it as a home decor since then… So during the sacred sound jam, I remembered my drum and proceeded to “play” it… It was the first time I did it actually and people were complimenting how good I was on drums! Do you remember in our healing session when the shamans came and brought me what is “mine”? It was drums actually and I suddenly made the connection! It was so surreal! Can you imagine how I bought this in 2005 w/o knowing why I bought it?

Anyway, I am feeling much lighter now and it helped that my mini-retreat last weekend coincided after our healing session so I did more clearing and letting go during that time.  I recommend a session with Keleena!”

~Anonymous, Philippines


“Last September, I started working with Keleena after walking away from the man who I believed was my twin flame. At that time, I had been going through the process for a couple of years and had done some healing, but I felt stuck in my process.  Keleena’s beautiful light language and amazing, loving heart and gifts have taken me very far in these last few months. Not only is abundance flowing in now like never before, but I have met a man who is awakened himself, and life is really opening up for the first time in my 43 years. I cannot express how thankful I am to Keleena and her work with me. Her beautiful soul uplifts me every time we talk, and I am experiencing more healing and going further in my ascension than I ever thought possible, and I am so grateful to Keleena for all of her help, love, and support.”

~Kim, NY USA


“Hi, Keleena… I hope you’ve been well! I wanted to take this time to write to you so I can express my heartfelt gratitude for your help and guidance during our session. I thought I knew the scope of what I’m going through and what it means to be a Twin, but I had no idea at all until you explained it all to me. Knowing the higher purpose of all of this, that this is so much bigger than just my Twin and I, I’ll admit that I was scared and overwhelmed. But then I remember that there’s nothing to fear with unconditional love, that that’s just my ego talking.

I’m making a conscious effort to lead with my heart and to speak my truth. You know, that goes against everything I was brought up to believe. I was even told that love isn’t real! But I’m finding that when I lead with my heart and choose love, I feel happy.

You know, when you cleared my chakras, I’m pretty sure it affected my Twin, too. He’s sweeter and more open than he usually is. If you say that I’m controlled and a perfectionist, he’s that times 10! I know he’s going through a very tough time now, more so than he lets on, so I’m happy that our session was able to help him, too.

Anyway, I know you’re very busy, but I really just wanted to say thank you and that I love you. I am so happy that God led me to you. I know many years down the line, I will look back on my decision to seek your guidance as one who changed the course of my life for the better. I feel in my heart that I need to reach out and express my gratitude and love to you, so that’s what I’m doing. Next, I’ll be working on making time to paint more often! Thank you, Keleena. I’m already looking forward to our next session.”

~Kyla, USA

“After the ascension session, Keleena, I was so blissed out all day yesterday that my family was kind of astonished. And loads of electrical issues. Haha. Anyway, seriously, it was the best session I’ve ever had, hands down. What’s even better is that since then, all the rest of the day and into today, I am hearing very clearly the voices guiding me, and I can distinguish between my own thoughts and those of the guides, and it is blowing me away !!! Now I want to develop it!!!”

~Lisa Everhart, CA, USA

“I must say, wow!  WOW!  Bang on!  I really appreciate what you have done for me in the way of guiding me in the right direction on my path to awakening.  Your light language is so amazing. What a gift!  Your personality is so positive, and the laughter is truly angelic!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I highly recommend Keleena !!  She is the REAL DEAL!”

~ShanMan James, Vancouver, Canada

“I have been doing a huge amount of energy-clearing and personal/transformational work in the past year or so, and one spiritual practitioner I consulted in the fall highly recommended Keleena to help me with removing the particular blocks and obstacles I seemed to be encountering. I was unfamiliar with Keleena’s work at that point and had not experienced her healing with Light Language, but I trusted the high recommendation she received from our mutual friend/ Lightworker and felt drawn to check her out. I immediately resonated with her videos and proceeded to book a  “karma clearing” session, not really knowing what to expect but feeling quite positive that I was headed in a good direction. Keleena responded with such immediacy, warmth, and open-hearted invitation to receive me I knew I was in loving hands even before we met “in person” via Skype for the first time.

Wow! I have almost no words to express the deep Presence and opening/clearing I experienced during our session. Keleena’s connection with me was instantly palpable, and she was able to help ME connect with my own Higher Self and all the beautiful angelic beings and guides she communicates with. She honed in on where I was feeling stuck and sad in regard to my 3-D relationship with my Twin Flame and used Light Language to facilitate healing and clearing. I cried a few times during our session… good, cleansing tears that released so much tightness and emotion I had been carrying for such a long time. She told me that my karmic clearing would begin the next day and go on for an exact period of time over the coming weeks. I made note of that period and have moved through the whole thing now; I can only tell you that MIRACLES occurred over and over again. Challenges, too, but now, with such clarity and a sense of being held by SO many beautiful helpers—I know in my body/heart/mind that I am LOVE and LOVED. So much has shifted since my session with Keleena and continues to shift.

The next day after my session with Keleena, my estranged Twin Flame suddenly contacted me, offering himself with the friendliest, “cleanest,” and most loving energy we have experienced together… EVER (even when we were first together as partners and lovers almost 5 years ago). We had the sweetest day of friendship and connection via texts and messages, and then the next day, we were able to come together in the physical in the first truly connected way since our break-up nearly 2 years ago. We continue to “dance” in our exploration of unconditional love and healing since that reunion almost 2 months ago. We are not back together as full partners yet, but our connection in the 3-D has been infused anew with the loving union we enjoy in the 5-D. It’s truly a divine awakening we are experiencing and bringing to Earth. I instinctively “know” what our work is now, and I “know” my part. My session with Keleena was absolutely the catalyst that allowed me/us to make the necessary energetic shifts. Keleena cannot help but bring healing and love to anyone she touches. She is love-light-wisdom… the Real Deal.

P.S. I have since recommended Keleena to several female friends who I knew to be open to this type of healing work and who had personal situations I surmised were in need of spiritual cleansing and support. One of these friends booked a session with Keleena on my recommendation. Not only did she have a very positive experience during her “karma clearing” session, but her boyfriend also proposed to her less than a week later! I know it was Keleena’s help that allowed my young friend to clear the inner obstacles that had long kept this desired outcome at bay.”

~Krista H.W., USA, 12/12(12:21 am!)

“Keleena is amazing with highly developed spiritual gifts. She generously used her spiritual gifts to help me during our first session. She was able to accurately pick up on my self-doubt issue and provided reassurance to trust myself.  Keleena provided guidance and answers to my questions about releasing negative energy and life’s purpose. She helped me understand what to do to move forward. During our session, Keleena provided a blessing using light language that was specifically designed for me, and I received instant results. Two surprises happened during the session. One surprise was in the middle, and the second surprise was at the end of the session. The session was an enlightening and memorable experience that changed my life. I will never forget this experience!  I am blessed and honored to receive Keleena’s gracious and generous spiritual guidance. Keleena went above and beyond during our session to fulfill my needs.  She is a beautiful soul and uses her spiritual gifts to help people. I highly recommend Keleena.  Also,  she follows up after a session to check on how you are doing! She truly cares about the people she assists.”

~Alane C., USA

“Thank you so much for providing much-needed divine healing and useful tools. As I incorporate them into my daily life, I am able to feel the shift in energy! I feel lighter and more centered. I look forward to working with you again!”

Respectfully, Tony G.  USA

“Words cannot begin to express how amazing Keleena is! We had a powerful session earlier today, in which she confirmed many things and even picked up on my dad coming through with several messages for me. She knows exactly how to get to the heart of whatever is going on, and she is so Divinely guided and connected, it’s beautiful and inspiring. Her soul is a gift to me and to many others, and I am so happy that I found her and began working with her! She is authentic in her gifts and in herself and has helped me tremendously in just two sessions so far! I cannot wait until our next session to report on something she encouraged me to do for myself! Love this woman and her beautiful soul!!”

~Kimberly Vicari, USA  10.7.2016

“Keleena is an angel on earth here to guide, heal, and direct the seekers to their highest purpose.  She is an ancient Oracle brought back to help us find our path, reconnect with our light and help us heal old wounds and victim patterns that cannot possibly serve us as we climb upon the Ascension ladder.   We are all afraid to fail… we all want to be loved… but most of us don’t feel deserving or fear that too much good is sure to collapse to that end, many of us set up saboteur patterns.   She will guide you out of your old patterns and into your light!”

~Toni Barca, USA  9.29.2016

“I have worked with Keleena Malnar in many different ways over the past year and a half. The work we have done together was critical for me to bring me into a space of being able to stand in my truth and wholeness. Not only has she done physical healing on me with outstanding results, she has helped clear all kinds of blocks; the most noticeable is the one I had to create abundance.

I had been working on getting my business relaunched for almost two years. Because I had been doing a lot of clearing around this for two years, I was already able to feel my own worthiness and have a belief in myself. I continued to use all the modalities I knew to become clear, but the business I was seeking eluded me.

Once I had an abundance clearing with Keleena, which included Light Language, among other things, I noticed a huge increase in business almost immediately. I had many more karmic clearings come up for my own personal release, but once I cleared them all with my modalities, I knew I was clear and saw my true self in abundance. I made the necessary changes in my business model (raised my prices, among other things), and now I am so busy I can barely breathe. And I am not exaggerating.

Doing your releasing and clearing work is important, so I do not advocate giving someone else responsibility for your state of being. But if you are looking for someone to help open you up to the abundance that you have been seeking and working towards, you should definitely consider an abundance clearing. For me, it paid for itself over and over again!”

~Debbie Saffer DuBois, USA 

“Thank you for helping me, I’m beginning to open up and see things more clearly now. I know my life will open up, and I feel more as soon as I shed off all my old beliefs and habits. The light language opens my body, mind, and soul. I’m gradually shining and radiating positive energy around me.”

~Amy Vo, USA


“Keleena Malnar has been incredible to work with. She has very unique abilities and many skills to choose from. She is psychic, but her sessions are way beyond a psychic reading. During my work with her, she also incorporated channeling, quantum energy healing, and light language. She innately knows just where to direct you to get to the heart of the issue. I can’t imagine an issue she couldn’t help you with, whether you are looking to heal, remove blocks, access your own power, or understand your twin flame connection. There is no question about her integrity, which is so important in this type of work. She walks her talk and acts from the highest vibration of love. With her help, I was able to make some big shifts immediately. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to advance on their spiritual journey.”

~Marla Kelly, USA

“I was wondering when you would finally come out to show how much of your amazing abilities can help others in need.  You have helped me in the past with releasing and clearing, with channeling deep subconscious stuff, and you are basically someone who does all of these things with the unconditional love you have for every human being out there.  I am truly grateful and thankful for all the support and guidance you have given me, and I know I can always count on your insight whenever I need it. You are a wonderful person to bring anyone closer to their highest path, and I recommend you to anyone to have you as a teacher and a guide. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all of your precious services.”

~Simon Remiel Vanseveren, Netherlands

“Where do I begin!!! I am a practitioner of crystal and stone therapy, as well as other energy modalities myself, who was being held back in my work due to severe stress and imbalance with a member of my blood family. With Keleena’s assistance through an Akashic reading, I was able to come to an understanding of that presence in this lifetime. In addition, she channeled the most beautiful prayer from the Blessed Mother Mary, which I use continually now in my own work, most recently in releasing the beautiful soul of my mother. She truly is a “Daughter of the Stars,” and I am eternally grateful for her assistance in my life. With understanding can come acceptance, forgiveness, release, and peace! Heartfelt gratitude forever, Precious SiStar!!!”

~Julie Kincaid, USA

“I gladly share my experience… when I had a session with Keleena on Skype. First, when we met, she talked * normal * and I felt we knew each other from way back.  When we met on Facebook… it was like there u are!   Then, during the Skype session, she said wait… I am now going to do Light Language Activations (with a giggle, of course).  I did not understand anything she spoke, although it felt not strange either, and after she was done, she asked what did u feel, Geo?  I said, my chakra`s opened.  Keleena asked which ones? (She is always checking… lol).  I said Crown… Third eye… and Heart.  She responded… Yes!  “In the following days/weeks, I notice coincidences and synchronicities occur. I think of something, how to do something, or what I need, magically, it appears in my life effortlessly, and right now, something great is near to happen that I have waited for a long time.  What I feel is that she activated my Dimensional body and increased the Light.  I also feel my heart has continued expanding since then.  So, I am happy, blessed, and grateful for this Divine Gift.  Thank u so much, Keleena sister. With Love and Gratitude…”

~Geo, Netherlands

“Thank you for sharing yourself this way.  I have followed your poetry for some time now as it has happened to be synchronistic with my own experiences.  Each time I read your poems, I feel as though my very heart could have written them.  I was smiling from ear to ear when I read that you feel his spirit with you as this is how I feel mine.  Thank you for having the courage it takes to share this information in such a beautiful and loving way.  You’re an inspiration for me to see this way.  I share little of my own experience but this is the one thread of poetry that adores the simple feel of love in a way that is so worthy of being expressed.  Kindred Soul experiences are similar to what I feel we are having.  Love the work you do and hope to work my way out of the closet with my own experiences soon.  You are inspirational and beautiful in so many ways.  Take care, and thanks again for sharing yourself with all those willing to show up and be seen this way!”

~Corrina, USA

“Keleena is the real deal. She is a gem! A trustworthy mentor and healer to the healers. Sessions with her have allowed me to ground a higher octave and level of comfort to my beingness. She has helped me move past some deep ancestral blocks that were preventing me from gracefully entering my next level. I highly recommend her medicine.

She offers a rolodex of frequencies that assist you on a multidimensional level.

Her work is powerful and honest. Book a session!”

~Nicole Mantilla, USA



Global Testimonials