Loving Blessings, Beloved Souls of Light, I am Keleena. I warmly welcome you to learn about me and the work I provide as a Wayshower, Healer, Activator, and Empowerment Mentor for your Awakening and Ascension needs. (This photo was captured in February 2023 and is in its original state, with no AI involved.) Keleena, Mary Magdalena Frequency.
©Keleena Malnar, All Rights Reserved
About Keleena
Keleena is an International Facilitator and Wayshower of Ascension as well as Divine Feminine leader for our 5th Dimensional Crystalline New Earth.
Awake since she was a child, Keleena has had the privilege of seeing and hearing her guides since she can remember. Many times, this has saved her life and the lives of her family.
Through important transitions in her life, she was gifted deeper awakening and activations at the cellular level from her galactic star family of light, angelics, and masters that were preparing her for the work she came to do in service for Gaia and humanity. However, on January 1, 2015, Keleena experienced a soul exchange (walk-in) experience that changed her life immediately.
At the age of eleven, Keleena remembers the time period when her crown was expanding. She experienced migraines, head pressure, and third eye expansion. She also began experiencing goddess embodiments beginning around the age of thirteen. After the birth of her first child and twenty-two months later again after her second, both times she experienced an even more profound connection to source and the embodiments of the sacred divine mother. Today, the sacred holy spirit cosmic mother frequency, flows through her in all ways for her service work. Keleena’s multidimensionality is captured as she shifts her frequency in hundreds of photos and videos with no AI involved. She is currently working on her book, sharing these amazing photos captured by many to show you how we are not who you think you are.
She is not afraid to express to the world her authentic self as a multidimensional and transformational blue ray and ruby & gold ray devoted to our Mother Goddess. She accepts all that she is and assists others in accepting themselves by knowing, loving, and being themselves.
How does Keleena help you with your awakening and ascension process? She utilizes vibrational harmonic DNA key codes through languages of light, sound, and tone to shift your vibrational frequency and raise the octave within yourself and humanity.
Notice the Golden Energy Elementals swarming around Keleena in this photo.
Keleena facilitates Empowerment through Activations, Healing, and Mentorship to assist humanity of all ages, leaving judgment & distorted subconscious fears and old programs behind. Her powerful abilities have been awakened through cell memory from past lives to accomplish all she was not able to then. In this life, she knows she has returned to finish what has not been completed as the divine feminine christ consciousness expands within her and all.
She represents the divine feminine cosmic mother goddess energy in her blue ray & ruby rose ray transmissions, channeling, and works. Those who meet her in person feel the divine love energy and the power of source that flows from her Sacred Heart.
She is referred to as "the Lady of Light and or Cosmic Goddess” by her guides and “Spiritual Mama" by clients and Sisters of the Rose; she has empowered, activated & initiated from cell memory over the years.
She is an Ambassador for the Galactic Center, Light Language DNA Key Code Breaker & Activator, Light Language Harmonizer, Vibrational Frequency Changer, Gridwork Sacred Site Activator, Raises the Octave, Channel for Source, Full Body Conduit, High Priestess of the Magdalene Sisters of the Rose & Temple of Isis, Gatherer of the Earths Sisters and Brothers of Light, Cosmic Shamaness, Psychic, Intuitive Cosmic Artist, Author, Visionary and more.
Keleena knows her limitless abilities and wants to help you discover, align, and activate your authentic self to become your unlimited potential.
She channels and speaks all of the Universal Vibrational Languages of Light (light language) in love, assisting and activating your Crystalline Light Body for your awakening and the awakening of humanity, which begins your Purification Process.
Keleena helps and activates all souls of all paths at all levels of their awakening process, including teachers.
In her awakened DNA cell memories as a high priestess Temple of Isis, holding this embodiment of Isis, Hathor, Mary Magdalene, and many more aspects, Keleena flows the initiations and activations for priestesses for the Order of the Magdalene Sacred Sisters of the Rose through cell memory. You will see these in her photos! She is currently working on creating the Magdalena Sacred Heart Temple of Love, where she will teach and empower women and men to utilize their God-given rights and abilities in her ministry services. The priestess's teachings and initiation teachings are currently held online on her patreon and at the Sisters of the Rose Event and other events. She has been an Ordained Minister since May 2022.
Keleena’s direct message from the creator source is that she has “returned to lead the people home.” She leads humanity away from the small self, false identity-created and programmed ego, to live from their Divine Sacred Hearts in Love.