Join Keleena on this Sacred Empowering & Spiritually Activating Egypt Retreat for 10 days and 9 nights, October 13th (Goddess Day) through October 22nd. (This Event is sold out.)
To know thyself is to become one with the creator. This is our way and our memories of Egypt. Through ancient rituals and ceremonies conducted, we followed our path home through sacred practices that led us through transformation and healing, allowing us to revel in sacred union as above, so below.
Are you ready to remember? As a powerful channel, Hathor sacred voice healer, Sacred Sister of the Rose High Priestess Activator & Initiator, Multidimensional Quantum Energy Healer, Cosmic Shaman, and Light Language DNA key code activator, Keleena will lead you on a path of memories in sacred ancient Egypt. For some, it will be very transformational and expansive, depending on where you are in your process. You will be supported by the team.
On this entire trip, you will also receive profound energy healings, initiations, and activations for your Egypt journey to better empower you as you release distorted parts of yourself and rise as the aligned source goddess/god self you are.
All days will include the downloaded codes of activations Keleena receives for all of the attendees directly from the Egyptian & Cosmic Gateways and her connections/embodiments with Isis, Hathor, Mary Magdalene, Bast, Hatsheput, Seshat, her work with Maat & Sehkmet, and connections with Thoth, Osiris, Anubis, Sobek, and more cosmic beings of benevolent light love.
See the photos of Keleena caught during gridwork and live events:
Keleena is beautifully assisted by two remarkable women, Claire Lewis of the UK and Juli Andrada of the Netherlands, with whom she has conducted gridwork globally together many times.
They are both Sacred Sisters of the Rose, Healers, and Gridworkers, and all have known each other for lifetimes. They are also here to assist in the daily support of your retreat transformation.
We also hired Nahla, our professional tour guide, for the entire excursion.
This Event is sold out
Keleena Malnar
Awake since she was a child, Keleena has chosen to utilize all six claires or sensory perceptions this lifetime for her work as a Wayshower, International Facilitator of Ascension, Global Gridworker, Transformational Specialist Healer, Highly Sensitive Empath, Spiritual Guide, Mentor & Teacher of Self Mastery, Cosmic Shaman, Channel of highest vibrational beings, and all Languages of Light and highest vibrational and frequency beings.
She has been spiritually aware her entire life listening to her guides that have saved her life and her family several times. Keleena has received cellular activations for memories of her life since she was a young girl, which has also activated her powerful accumulated abilities from lifetimes to come online and utilize in service for Gaia and humanity to shift the collective consciousness.
Keleena remembers her work as High Priestess in Atlantean Temples and being taken to Ancient Khem (Egypt) to anchor and continue her work there. She is a High Priestess Sister of the Rose in all lives, that still, through her cell memories, activates and initiates women worldwide, transforming their lives today. She is an Ambassador for the Galactic Center, visionary, visionary artist, and more. Keleena thanks our Divine Mother/Father God/Source for the daily miracles she witnesses. She currently resides and conducts online healing, webinars & events in Sedona, Arizona,
Some Gridwork Conducted: USA numerous sacred sites across the country; a few are Galactic Mount Shasta, the Sacred Serpent Mound in Ohio, Sacred Sedona Vortex, Ohio Great Lakes, Niagra Falls, Santa Fe National Forests, the Grand Canyon, and the Hawaiian Islands. In the UK, Manchester, Glastonbury Sacred Sites, London & many other chapels in England. Wales & St. Winefrides Well, Scotland Roslyn Chapel, the Kings Seat, Praying Hands of Mary, Isle of Iona. ABC Islands. Mexico Mayan Pyramids, EU Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Ibiza Isle.
Claire Lewis
Claire has been on the spiritual path for over 30 years. She is an international grid worker, gatekeeper of the Sacred Sisters of the Rose and Priestesses of Avalon lineages, a water priestess, and a trinity architect.
Her work focuses on the restoration of Gaia’s original grid architecture to support higher dimensional consciousness for humanity and Gaia. She is also a reiki master and naturopathic practitioner.
This is Claire’s fourth trip to Egypt.
Juliana Andrada
Juli has always been committed to her spiritual development, receiving guidance and messages through dreams and visions.
She is an intuitive guide, a Sacred Sister of the Rose Priestess, and is very connected with galactic and elemental realms.
Juli offers Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions, Arcturian Healing, and Intuitive Human Design sessions. She speaks English, Brazilian Portuguese, and Dutch. Juli will be offering private sessions during the trip. Visit Juli’s website to learn more: remembering-magic.com
We are excited to have you and look forward to meeting you in Egypt for this
If you have any questions, Contact us here.