October’s Cosmic Ride


Cosmic Heart Love & Divine Blessings,

I pray all are well and you are flowing through your process easily and gracefully.

Humanity is between eclipses, portals, and transitions to release the shadows of your deepest fears even more with the solar ring of fire. The ring of fire illuminates the darkness deep within and guides you to see your old patterns and beliefs that need releasing to bring them to the surface for you to come into balance.

This is a time of self-reflection, perspective, and deep knowing that will allow you to illuminate the authentic self rather than fall back into the trap of programmed fear. It is a time of movement forward as the acceleration of your process continues.

Earth is at a time in this existence where you are at the end of the Kali Yuga cycle. Feelings of disruption through the battle of your false ego will create battles outside of yourself. This is a month of being tested for many different reasons. Where are you out of balance?  Is it physical, mental, or emotional? Will you allow it to escalate to a boiling point of mental reaction rather than heart action?  Your alignment will be tested, and your ego chastised by your own attachments to the outcome of things. What do you need to detach from, and can you do?

Allowing yourself to be in silence, nature, and meditation is equivalent to peace and the love of your divine creator.

Connect with nature to allow all that needs to heal to be swept away in the arms of your loving mother, Gaia. Release your emotions, mental conflict, and physical pains to her. Swim in her nourishment/water, outstretch on her body/earth, jump outside for deeper breath/air, dance in the glorious sun/fire, and meditate to zero point/ether. Replenish yourself with all the elements that you are not separate from. Focus on that which you love to do.

You will be given downloads from your higher self during the next few months that will allow you to be decisive on things that you should continue within your life and that which no longer resonates. It will be a time for you to choose in a respectful manner to allow your evolution to continue. Pay attention to the signs. Use your sacred heart to find your truth. "Synchronicities are answers to the equations."~Keleena

Also, in the energy of the solar ring of fire eclipse, we have the Feast of Saint Francis Day on the 4th, which is divine masculine energy that is heart-aligned and supports the feminine. Feel into the balance of this. He was a man who stepped forth to deny war and be in peace and love from his heart, which led other men to do the same. It also ignited Saint Claire to step forth and say no to being a woman with no say in what happens to her life, as she would have been bought to produce children and serve a man she did not love. They together assisted in the change by stepping into their divinity, aligning with their courageous sacred hearts that say no to living in a patriarchy-controlled society of greed and heart disconnect.

On your day of 10/10, you will experience another portal of balance. The world may seem to be heading in upheaval; however, you, as a lightworker, are here to remember the truth of the illusion. You are here to be in peace and love in your heart, assisting with the restoration of humanity’s awakening.

It is a month of fiery energy buildup, during which you will feel challenged by what is happening in 3D. It is also up to you to hold your frequency in 5D as much as you are able. YOU can do this. It is why you returned. You are a big piece to the peace returning to Gaia through you.

Ma tay ahnna ah-ka, dee-ah, ah-kee.

I love you.

In Goddess Grace & Divine Love,