No Looking Back ~ Master Light Language Channel
Cosmic Heart Love & Divine Blessings,
As part of the Cosmic Alliance, I will continue to bring through messages from our sisters and brothers of light who are assisting us from off the planet for this worldly evolution. Here is this months channeled message from the Arcturians.
“We greet you in love and the highest light of the one divine creator source. On Earth, humanity is at a point of no looking back. You can not deny that the last 20 years have been a whirlwind of change through the awakenings of so many humans at an astounding rate. And the adventure will continue.
Through the change in the planet’s field of consciousness, one will continue to see and feel the shift in vibration at a higher level almost daily. Those who can handle the new energetic vibration will continue to move forward. Be at Peace, knowing all is well.
Imagine Gaia cracking down the middle like an egg. This is what is happening. Do you see that as you rebirth yourself, so must she? Transform.
You are children of our Mother/Father God/Goddess, Source, the One Divine Creator, however, you wish to refer to it. When you choose peace within the self, a natural rebirth must occur. Therefore, throughout the entire cycle of this massive event happening, Gaia, Mother Earth, must hold her vibration and frequency at new levels as her children will follow. 6D
What we wish for you to understand is that if you chose ascension in this lifetime, you are doing this without leaving through the death of the body. This is why, for many, it can be quite painful, emotional, and mental as you are releasing and being rewired to the truth of source where your original blueprint of creation holds the keys for humanity's highest consciousness in love and grace.
You are the light of the world, never forget. Remember who you are.”
~The Arcturians, 1 Nov. 2024
From Keleena
From my sacred heart, as all journey through the changes taking place, I pray for the highest outcome for all souls, our earth, and the Soul-ar system. May all choose to live from their hearts, choose to live in love.
From unity consciousness, the uni-verse, all are birthed as part of a multi-verse, children of our divine creator. Here is where all shall realize (real-eyes) through their sacred heart that all have the power to feel and see the truth of whom they are to unite for freedom. Liberating your hearts, minds, and bodies to ascend back home to the uni-verse where unity consciousness resides. This is Sacred Union.
As we weave through November’s changes, please remember to hold yourself in the space and place of your Sacred Heart. Freedom, Peace, and Liberation in Sacred Love are our divine right, and you are there when you shine from within. Hold your highest frequency in grace.
Thank you!
My heart is full. Thank you to those who have supported my work these past years. I have been blessed to watch you unfold and evolve through private sessions, events, channelings, and spirit teachings like a Mother releasing her children to soar. Your light shines! Keep going!
New Community Members, I open-heartedly welcome all of you, whether you are patreon members, YouTube followers, and/or clients, as this soul family high~vibe tribe grows. My mission is to serve and assist humanity to know thyself, love thyself, and be thyself through light-encoded healing activations aligning you to your authenticity and your truth, to live from your Sacred Heart. I look forward to seeing and feeling you evolve in Sacred Love.
Thank you for responding to the opening of sessions. I do my best to open only a few months in advance; it has been booked this way for years. I am now booked through May 2025. More may open during March-May, depending on my schedule and how my body feels. I will honor my body first and foremost.
I always state that they will sell out within hours, and they do. I’m sorry for those who were not able to book just yet.
Group Sessions may be opening soon. I will announce it here. Please ensure the newsletter goes to your home email, not promotions or spam. For those asking, there is no waitlist.
11/11 Webinar
I have received loud and clear messages from Spirit for a month now that I will once again hold a powerful activating webinar during this potent and very important 11/11 portal. Details are coming soon. Patreon tiers 3 & 4 will receive a discount.
My loves, please enjoy the monthly video with activations and encouragement to assist humanity at this greatest hour. And if you have not watched the interview with Emilio Ortiz, it is full of information and activations.
I love you immensely.
Ma ka tee-nah, na torah, ah mia, ah.
In Goddess Grace,