No Turning Back Now!


Hello Beautiful Souls,

I am wishing all of you well and sending immense love here and now in 2025. It is a big year of coming into ones’ balance and harmony in a tremendous year of transcendence.

I have gone live on youtube for two hours covering as much as I was able. Please take the time to watch that videos below in order and know that you can refer to them all year. There are codes throughout the entire video series to assist.

UPDATE FROM 2025 VIDEO:  As many of you watched, I showed you my burnt hand that predicted fire outbreaks. Two days later, the LA fires began. It is a devastating scenario and trauma for most of these souls and as Michael speaks of below, it may be their awakening and humanity’s awakening to the truth. Sending all affected love & compassion.

Quickly, these pics are from yesterday, January 9th. I was a bit shocked when this eye stared back at me while peeling my potato! The I peeled the edge only to have a heart appear. As I giggled and no longer wanted to eat this little being staring at me, I wondered what was this was about.


AA Michael has graciously brought this message for you. Please listen with the eyes and ears of the heart. (The 🥔 photos.)

A Divine Message from AA Michael

Blessed are they that understand the ways of change.

Though one may feel the change is a bit disharmonious, harmony comes with the cycles that will either engage you with who you are or disrupt your life as you knew it.

When one is not in flow with thy creator, one may experience a harsh reality that may begin their journey of spiritual authenticity.

May we remind you that you chose your journey. We would believe you would wish for harmony to set in, in an easeful and graceful way.

There is nothing that is being done or infiltrating except when one has the fear of it. This is called “agenda consciousness.” It is a hype creation through your media from behind the iron curtain.

Remember, the golden doors of ascension are now open.

The assistance given to you from our perspective is to remain in the frequency of love and see all things from the higher perspective. When one has all things taken away, one has nothing to compare themselves to others, except with their heart.

As your earth messenger Keleena has revealed, if one is not aligned with their blueprint, then one may succumb to what seems a harsh reality that places one in an un-conditioning phase of life. You’ve started from nothing but love, have you stayed there or have you been conditioned into a reality of SEPARATION?

This reality ends with the golden doors open and you choose to follow your path. Through what may seem a dramatic year of change and discomfort, one shall align with the soul self and experience the way in unity, equality and liberation from a program of materialism, greed, separation, hierarchy, and begin their true education to know who they are. You will heal and release the karmas you have created.

It is a year upon your planet that you will experience the fall of leaders that filled their own illicit agendas and pocketbooks for the sake of greed creating again, separation, fear, and what you call crimes against humanity.

Be ready, the truth is coming.

See this with the eyes of the heart. Let go of your perceived notions of your leaders, they are not nor have they ever been your saviours. The new is coming and the alignment to truth is now.

It is our pleasure to serve you from on high in the angelic crystaline realms. You may take this message as you wish. We ask you to receive it with an open heart. We are always here for you in love, truth and the grace of god/goddess, our divine creator. We are at your beckon call. I am AA Michael and I do thank you for receiving this timely message.

May you have love and peace in your heart and the breath of life in your body & soul. ~AA Michael

Thank you Micheal.

My loves, with all of the downloads I have received for 2025 with geometries, codes, channeled messages, Songs, LL activations, channelings, and more in the videos below, I need not say more here. Please watch the videos in the order they are below, as I refer to them and they hold key codes you will need before listening to the 2025 video.

Let us Create and Align Balance, Harmony, Love and Peace upon this planet for Gaia, for YOU beautiful soul, and all of humanity in goddess grace. I AM.

I love you.