Have you ever begun working on a creative idea that you have conjured up in your mind… a painting… writing… a project… and then halfway through you feel blocked?  Everything was going great from your original inspiration… and what you envisioned your result to be, but now you are at a standstill.

Did you ever think that maybe you are the one blocking the continuity of your project?  This happens when one does not step into higher creative consciousness allowing your higher self to bring you the creativity you need.  Instead, you have stepped into your physical ego mind letting it take over because you think you know exactly what the outcome of your project is to be.  When in reality creativity should always flow.  A roadblock is a sign… step back… step into higher consciousness and allow the higher self to work together with your physical ego mind to bring you the result it is to be.

Take the time to meditate opening the door of your higher consciousness.  See and feel the vibrations… the intensity… the excitement of your project return.  It is now where you will allow and place these feelings into your creation because your excitement has embedded itself into you.  You are allowing the higher consciousness and creative you to work with your physical mind together.  What you envisioned in your original idea will always be so much bigger and better than you can ever have imagined when you ALLOW your creativity through higher consciousness to flow.

So step away from the old thought patterns that being creative can be hard because it is not.  Creativity is the soul’s process of releasing who you really are.  Let go of the old paradigms that life is difficult… that living is difficult… that being creative is not something you can do.  We are all gifted creators… now it is your job to shift your thought patterns to how great you truly are.  Shift your thoughts… shift yourself.  You are ALL that there is and nothing less.  Step into your creativity… step into yourself… step into life and allow it to harmoniously flow.

Keleena Malnar

In Divine Love & Grace


