March's Cosmic Intense Transformation!


A deep, intense cleanse is taking place connected with karmic endings, Kali yuga finalities, timelines dissolving, body changes, dark night of the soul, embodiments, downloads, awakenings, plus divine expressions for endings and new beginnings. These are some of what March will bring with eclipses, cosmic lineups, and the equinox.

Shake-ups, wake-ups, and break-ups will occur in everything. It may feel intense for some, especially for those that turn their back on change, creating the split in consciousness of humanity to deepen, and Mother Gaia will continue her cleanse with earthly shake-ups in all directions as well.

Wake-ups will not only be new soul's awakening, it will be you having to learn something about yourself, the people you surround yourself with, your health, your finances, your home environment, family and so on. It is a deep look to know thyself, love thyself, and be true. You cannot run from what the universe brings in this transformational time.

Earth's Transformation

Three years ago, I had intense visions of volcanic activity under the oceans, revealing new land. It has now been brought to my attention that it is happening in a couple of places. I am seeing a long line within the tectonic plates of Gaia that will separate in some areas, creating Earth's new body. I am also feeling it may widen to a third place, but we will see, and please do not be in fear. This is a normal part of her change. Remember, you are Gaia, and you are creating this deep change as you are changing yourself. Be in Peace.

Cosmic Self

The cosmos brings great change this month for all souls that refuse to look deep within, releasing all that does not serve. For many, your lives will change immensely, you will gain clarity as the shadow surfaces: guilt, shame, neglect, unworthiness, hate, violence, anger/rage, not good enough programs and more to reveal how you have treated yourself and others. Have you considered deeply loving and forgiving yourself?

March will feel like a corkscrew, double loop roller coaster for many. Emotions will be high, thoughts will linger, the body may feel pain, and things may not go as planned as the Cosmos is aligning great change in all areas. You are not in control of the changes aligned for you, and the universe will show this.

With all of the visions and downloads I have received for the first three months of 2025, I was gifted practical, energetic, and magical applications for humanity to use to divinely align you with your Cosmic Self and Cosmic Divine Plan that takes you beyond the teachings of Free Choice. I have not shared this anywhere as it is always about divine timing. This magical month of transcendence is the time and space for this to occur.

For those still waiting for sessions with me, this 2-hour webinar will help you immensely, and I am super excited to present this with my guest and star brother, John Burgos.

It is easy to learn these practical applications to go Beyond Free Choice; Registration is now open. We will gather online this Sunday. Please read everything on the website to feel if this is right for you.

Message from the Perpetual Heart Collective:

It is in our highest love and eternal light of the one divine creator that we bring you this message:

“Abundant are those that hold fast to their truth and their alignment with spirit, for thou shall inherit the Earth and all that she offers in organic nature.”

What is the Earth? It is the consciousness of the highest divine expression of a Mother’s LOVE. Become one with Mother Earth Gaia to fully know thyself.

It is here and now that we greatly wish to express our divine love and abundance to all of humanity for the greatest shift that is occurring now through this space and time as the Golden Doors are open. You are the key to your divinest expression of your spirit self.

May you be fulfilled in the light and love of the one.

~the Perpetual Heart 💞


The Spring Equinox will bring the New Year Astrologically. Again, the intensity of this month may feel like it's too much. Please, take this month to step back, relax, and allow the changes that will occur at the cellular level and in all your bodies. You will not recognize yourself when this is all over when you surrender to the divine.

A BIG thank you! I have reached 25,000 on YouTube. Because of YOU, we grow together in community as a sacred vibe love tribe. Keep an eye out for the March video. Please continue to share so we may reach and serve all who need love, support, guidance, healing, activations, and more. From my Sacred Heart to Yours, I appreciate all of you.

Ma Ka ta, Amor ee ah, ah-kee. Amma ee, Amma ah.

In Goddess Grace,