August Transmission
Blessings, Sacred Hearts,
It is a time to really allow the internal shift of the higher self to lead the way stronger than ever. Many are feeling pulled in different directions, causing confusion and anxiety with not knowing the outcome of their choices. This means you are in your thoughts and not connected to the divine within you. If you choose to follow spirits guidance through synchronicity, dreams, and feeling positive emotions, then everything flows easily in a graceful manner.
Each person will have their own experience, and no two are the same. Honor this and do what is right for you by following the joy you feel in your heart.
Life is beautiful when we allow divine flow; life is hard when we let our ego get in the way. ~Keleena
Divine Message from the Lyrans
At this time of now, it is said and known by many as the Lion's Gate Event or Portal of Manifestation. This gateway is being utilized for the reality of heart-conscious change through frequency adjustment into the grid of Gaia for all of humanity.
High-frequency light will reveal that which is known through the heart, manifesting humanity's aligned divine will to assist source and Gaia for a productive and sustainable position that will reflect a heart-led humanity.
Humanity is now given the opportunity to shift their choices by leading with their divine hearts. It is a time to feel the difference within to make decisions based on positive emotion rather than continue a thought base reality that overthinks itself.
Humanity is at a pivotal point with this Gateway to receive the codes that will amplify the heart's expansion in its brilliance allowing the higher self to show the way.
New diamond light codes are entering daily through the gateway of the seven suns to uplift humanity's self-critical ways of thinking, transforming you to feel God's divine love within you.
The codes are opening and amplifying all hearts, shifting humanity's consciousness to follow the heart.
The power to change what others direct you to believe is coming is within the collective consciousness. What you believe, you perceive. Do you believe that the next wave of evolution is to hold yourself in an uncomfortable position overpowered by another? This way of life does NOT need to repeat itself as you are here to real-eyes
(eyes of the heart) the truth.
YOU have the power to create a new outcome upon the Earth when you lead with your hearts amplifying love's most extraordinary power, Freedom.
Love is the most powerful ignition that changes realities when one is comforted by our divine creator source Mother/Father Gods love. This power is within you, not outside of you. You create your reality by loving yourself divinely for who you are.
There is no reason to justify anything that you are experiencing outside of yourself as you are the creator. Therefore, shift your positioning to a heart-led reality and see that you have created the entire mirror reflection around you. It is within your DNA, and your choice to return to experience revelation to transcend is divinely aligned.
Go within and release that which you have created that does not serve you as a heart-led multidimensional being.
It is beautiful to know that through your sacred heart's courageous gateway, the integration of the higher self will steer humanity to learn to make conscious choices in alignment through knowing, feeling, observing, seeing, and allowing that which is right for you.
Remember, you are seeded from the stars and birthed on Earth to bring new existence to a planet created in love. It is time to regain the love that is Gaia's original blueprint in the core of creation, amplifying it again now.
We say remember you are here to be the eternal love that you are. Follow this path of love in the light of the one true heart, the one breath, one love, and one life, for it is here that all know thy true self.
We honor you, courageous hearts, for your return at this grand time on Earth. May love guide your way.
Ma tee ah, Ah ma da, Ah-key.
Amma ee, Amma ah. I AM.
~Lyran Council
A blessed lion's gate, beautiful hearts, and sacred starseeds. I love you whole heartedly.
Divine Love & Grace,
©Magdalena Sacred Heart Ministry, All Rights Reserved