Affirmation New Magenta Rays
I gratefully captured this photo in September as I was working in Colorado with the new magenta rays assisting our ancestors, angelics and light beings. These energies were to be in place before our 11/11 portal that we are currently experiencing.
I have spoken of the transformation with the divine feminine energies ascending to the planet in my video about “What is happening on September 23.” You can find that video on my YouTube for more insight.
These beautiful loving energies are to bring back the divine feminine mother energy. As I have stated and written recently, this will remove the dark mother energy placed by the patriarchal system on our planet. Each one of us have lived in this energy many lives and now it is up to each one of us to accept the magenta rays of transformation into our sacred hearts.
The energies of all the divine feminine mothers are here and now you can receive them into your own sacred heart by asking the mother with this affirmation:
In gratitude, hold your hands palms up at your side ready to receive focusing on your sacred heart:
“Dear Divine Mother,
I humbly ask for your forgiveness and ask that you bless me with your sacred holy light and fill my heart with the new magenta rays of love for my souls ascension process. I accept your pure love and ask that I be transformed in this light of divine feminine motherly love shifting my soul into purity, grace, love, joy, wisdom and peace.”
Sit in this love energy as it flows through your heart as long as you wish. Thank the Divine Feminine Mother and just be.
In Divine Love & Grace,
Keleena Malnar
YouTube: Keleena Malnar
Instagram: keleenaloves
©2017 Keleena Malnar, All Rights Reserved
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