Angelic Channeled Message


Blessings Beloveds, 

We gather in love to greet you and assist you in this time on Earth. It is our pleasure to serve the greater humanity as your consciousness shifts daily.

Your current events with this luminous full moon and eclipse are opening the 5555 cosmic gateway and code of change that is deeply seeded for all. The codes are the alignment of your moon in Scorpio and the sun in Taurus at 14 degrees which simplifies to 5. And, of course, the blessed 5th of May (5) creates this miraculous gateway.

We choose to bring you the information needed now for words of encouragement during this Ascension. Here are some of the current symptoms you may be experiencing.

Your bodies are fluid; allow the flow of change.

Your bodies are in a crystalline process, so allow the light to penetrate at all levels processing the Lightbody outcome of the divine-human angelic self.

The avatar specialties, for some, are coming online through recalibrations and cellular activity activations for your own personal awareness and conscious heart expansion now. (This is not for everyone yet.)

Traumas within are being revealed to be healed and may cause bodily downtime for resting, whether you are aware of the event or not. Follow what your body guides you to do for your best outcome.

Follow your inner knowing when you are being shown to slow down or just be; if not, plan B steps in, and you will be physically halted. (This is your plan.)

The feeling of electricity or being zapped by lightning, vibrating or static feeling running through your body is the activations at the cellular level to shift you into harmonic vibration, and all is well. You may feel this mostly at night if you are very active during the day.

Hunger and thirst are your body speaking to feed the cells. Please listen. Weight gain is normal during this time and allows you to hold more light. It will subside and end.

You will have energy and motivation one day, and the next day needs complete quiet and sacred space to just be and to allow the body to flow into its true alignment.

The love for all and all things, no matter what, is felt through the sacred heart alignment as it expands your consciousness and understanding of who you are.

The feeling of vortex spinning through the body will sometimes occur all day or on and off throughout your day. Take this time to just be and allow.

Choosing the ego vs. feeling from the heart is getting harder. If it is not aligned with your sacred soul self for the highest good of all, it will not happen, and obstacles will continue to occur.

Some are expanding their ability to see energy as their eyes are being activated for change. They may feel dry one day or very watery another. You also may experience perfect vision when waking for those that use glasses as you are integrating the alignment with your higher self. All is well.

Movement forward as a collective is generating the changes within the old structures of the Earth to collapse through love as ego mentality becomes mindful awareness, and this then becomes the object of change.

The feeling of being highly elevated and out of the body but in it is to allow you to feel the divine human that you are while feeling the blissful energy of source run through you.

Cosmic Gateway

This cosmic gateway is open all Month during this beautiful time, we also honor Mother Mary of Divine Miracles. She is honored all month, as ALL mothers are to be honored for their caring, nurturing love, healing, compassion, kindness, generosity, and grace. This is deeply seeded in the DNA to balance the earth through humanity in the energy of love, yin/yang, in harmonious expression and compassionate, graceful action. Thank Gaia, our Mother, for all she brings and teaches in abundance.

Lunar Eclipse

This eclipse brings forth within you deep seated patterns and beliefs that are ready to transform, releasing old identities and ancient patterns of the past that may not be anything you participated in, but your lineage has. It is beautiful to honor yourself for this work of releasing as you are the transformational specialist brought to the planet in devotion to create change through your pure and generous hearts.

We bless you all in the grace of the one and ask you to see the changes from the bigger picture.

We congratulate all of you as the light is more bountiful and luminous than ever. You are seen, heard, and so very loved!

~the Perpetual Sacred Heart Team

Message from Keleena,

So many blessings, beautiful souls. I will reveal in my May video my own experiences happening. They are grand, no matter how big or small. The video attached is a live from April.

Message from Spirit

My latest message from Spirit in the clouds was a Ram charging. As I tuned in, I was shown it is a continuation of being focused and independent from the program. I am also shown to continue to follow the fiery passion within ones self that allows one to create new everything during this beautiful time of change upon us. Make time for yourself.


Many of you are asking about this gathering. We are finalizing the details for this fall, and they will be announced in the newsletter when all is ready.


Are currently fully booked. I am catching up from 2017, and we will send a newsletter as soon as more are open. However, check out my patreon or the webinar I am holding with Shekina Rose.

The Temple of Love

For those that have followed me for years you know my guides have shown me to build a center since 2014, as I announce on my youtube then. Their message in May 2020 is to build the “Temple of Love.” I laughed, and they clearly stated I’d done it before and I will do it again.

So, currently, there is some land offered through a beautiful Sister of the Rose. I will be heading there soon to feel for the possibility of building the temple. How exciting!!

Also, I was guided three years ago and have finally completed all the paperwork for the “Magdalena Sacred Heart Temple of Love,” a sacred safe space that is private for all participants for anything you choose to come together in sacred ministry (I am an ordained minister), ceremony, events, education, webinars, online or off, and more. It is a free private membership that keeps everyone (women & men) safe at this current time. I’ve been quite busy behind the scenes!

Now, I am reaching out to the universe and all of you who may know anyone willing to donate for the cause of the healing Temple of Love through donations, materials, and men and women volunteers to assist in building and more.

In my divine sacred heart, I know it is time to reach the people to bring these once Sacred Temples back to various locations in the highest frequency to assist humanity. May the divine feminine rise within all, creating this harmonious balance. May the sacred temple sites that were once frequented be erected, flourish upon Gaia, and never be allowed to be destroyed for greed or domination ever again. In sacred devotion, it is our time now.

Again, if you know of anyone with big hearts that are highly abundant in flow for these healing temple/s have them contact us at 

We are divinely blessed as one love, one life, one breath.

May ahna ah-mya ah-key.

Sending you so much divine love,