March's New Beginnings Vital Changes


Blessings Beloved,

Here we are; we made it to the key turning point month for you individually and humanity at a collective level. Beautiful New Beginnings in this numerological one month for all with new levels of love, hope, change, and profound light are happening. Are you feeling positive energy and upliftment?

Another split in the evolutionary cycle for humanity is happening. You witnessed this in 2020, and it will occur again during the three days, the 20th-22nd of the Spring Equinox. It is your choice to choose what makes you feel good in the heart for the new you and turn away from what feeds the old ego identity.

Disruptive sleep patterns from emotional, mental, and physical releasing in February will be shifting back to what is normal for you. The feeling of Motivation, Prioritizing, and Organization will come over you. Along with the feeling of “it's now time” is happening. You may finish projects you have tried to work on since 2020. Complete lingering tasks as well as have clear knowledge to let go of projects that do not align with the new you. Some of you will jump into action and do things you’ve never done before. Many of you will feel like your wishes are being fulfilled. This is the power of an aligned heart, mind & spirit.

A sense of freedom is returning in many ways and is different for everyone. For example, the borders in America have been court-ordered to open by May, and what has occurred will never be allowed to happen again. Thank you, Goddess! This is divine work through the higher consciousness in the new earth leaders. I am excited to say that this is also in time for the Sisters of the Rose Event here in Sedona that many overseas have been waiting to experience. It is now booking, and I have goddess bumps as I write these words. Giggles!

Many of you are aware that my goddess self and other gridworkers have been working in the waters for years as a collective team in unity. I have also received constant new information on the water changes since early summer 2022 that I have been sharing with my Patreon community. The gridwork performed was finalized in December when I was in the Mediterranean waters to change the molecular structures of the water. These codes flow through many of us, that are referred to as water priestesses or priests. In service to Gaia and source, we are divinely aligned to bring codes through to remove impurities and activate the new.

Recently in January, I downloaded the teaching and codes of the water priestess (priest, too) importance of their work in the waterways. It is essential that those called to the water begin their work. If you are conducting this work, please continue for Gaia and humanity. What a beautiful service you do; thank you!

I also received in early February that the merpeople are awakening and remembering. A coded painting for merpeople is almost finished, and a poem from Sirius B, where merpeople originate, has been written. I will share it soon as it is loaded with codes! If you want to understand your work in the waters, the download is available on my Patreon, as it was a live class. It is located in the Priestess Path/Goddess Circle Tier 4. It is powerful information and loaded with codes for the water priestess/priest and merpeople. I will also be creating a video for youtube on the water changes for the collective. However, it differs from the private sacred teachings and activations on Patreon.

Change is inevitable, and we are blessed to be here now. I love life, and I AM in love with life. Now you’ve said it. Did you feel that? Say it again and feel how important it is to know you have a purpose always.

With that said, here is the channeled message from my beautiful cosmic team.

Cosmic Perpetual Heart Team Channeled Message

We wish for you to know that humanity is and will be in transition for years as not all are in the same identifiable space as an “awakened” human. Therefore, some will continue their lives in a veiled form during these three days. This is their choice and experience. If one chooses to awaken, one will. You are not here to save everyone; therefore, live, love, and laugh as you continue your gifted life in service. Those of you that choose evolution will continue the path of purification of patterns that do not serve the organic structure, mind, body, soul, and Gaia.


In your current space, we want all to know that the alignment of events on your planet is designed purposefully by Gaia. She is your mother that lives breathes, and gives life. Therefore, as a guest in human form, all must learn to respect her living body.


Gaia’s shifting is causing concern in those who think destruction happening is not normal during natural weather patterns. It is when the weather patterns are offset by inhumane powers or chemical abuse substances to purposely manipulate her patterns so that destruction will occur. We change what we see by knowing we have the power to reach in, feel and become that which we wish to create. Please also remember Gaia Mother Earth is in a cycle of clearing and letting go, just as you are, and the cold cycle many countries are experiencing is normal right now.


All of humanity will feel a reprieve in some way this coming equinox motivating new movement forward.

Many will wake up in clear knowing in divine alignment of what is next and begin their space, old belongings connected to their old identities. Clearing the mind, social media, disconnecting from the past, technology, and those not listening will be stilled in a way that will force stop to sit, focus, go within, and listen.

Listen, Feel, Just Be

Not only will humanity release the past through things they identify themselves with, but they will also purify their bodies, minds, and spirit at a deeper level as the incoming codes of light amplify the purified christed state at the cellular level. Every soul has the opportunity for this. No soul is ever turned away.


Communities' hearts will join together more in compassionate action. Learning that love for others is what lifts a human's spirit creating new earth communities in love. An open heart raises vibration when one is aligned as the divine soul works in compassionate action, and all things begin to flow.


They say on Earth that “the world is your oyster.” We say that “source is your oyster.” Open to the divine wisdom that we are all connected as ONE, and everything flows in love and ease gracefully.

We are one, as I AM.

My yanna Ah torra ah-key.

May you be blessed this month as the positive changes for yourself, the collective, and Gaia continue in love. Get out on Gaia and receive the codes from Solaris, our sun, or in the natural waters, and many blessings to those affected by Mother Earth's changes. All is divinely aligned.

Always in Divine Love & Grace,
