These session packages are designed for those of you who seek in-depth assistance with more support in moving forward on your ascension path to become the best version of the multidimensional being that you are. If you feel you are struggling in your day-to-day ascension experience, this package is for you. With Keleena’s connection to your higher self and your guide team, she finds the root cause of what is stopping your forward progress and will help you remove and heal the root causes. Keycode unlocking and quantum energy healing are performed through her multidimensional self with light language activations. Keleena is gifted by source access to all key codes to perform this task. Depending on how open to receive you are you may be activated to speak Light Language during the process. Keleena utilizes her psychic abilities to bring forth what you are currently resisting healing. She will see your soul’s past life karma, align you to clearing, connect you with your I AM presence, utilize angelic crystalline healing tones, and also will perform many light language DNA key code activations that your soul requires to move you forward opening you up to what you need in the moment of now. All sessions are different and depend on what you specifically need. These sessions are for ALL PATHS, Teachers, Wayshowers, Healers, Twin Flames, Sacred Partners, Lightworkers, Starseeds, Gridworkers, Gatekeepers, Galactics, etc.
Keleena’s sessions are powerful and life-changing, the package includes:
Full Body Scan
Multi-dimensional Quantum Energy Healing
Shamanic Galactic Healing
Isis Healing
Divine Mother Frequency Healing
Light Language Key Code Unlocking
Purification Ascension Unlocking
Healing of All 4 Bodies
Chakra & Energetic Block Clearing
Chakra Crystalline Vocal Tuning, Alignment & Balance
Light Language DNA Activations & Activation to Speak LL
Divine Source & Intuitive Guidance
Connection to your Divine I AM Presence
Opening you to your Multidimensionality
Aligning you with your Authentic Self & Service Work
Helping you find Your Path and more…
What to expect: Afterwards, you will feel a tremendous shift. Many clients feel like they are buzzing until they go to bed at night & some days after. You will have processing, integrating, and other inner work to do afterward.
Note: Sessions are scheduled one hour at a time.
What a Deal! Receive multiple sessions with healing & Light Language Activations! An economical option for those who need a bit more ongoing support. You may schedule each session when you feel they are needed or in bi-monthly appointments. Packages have been added as 95% of clients come back again for more sessions during their awakening and transformational process.